One of the great Mitzvahs of Pesach is eating Matzah commemorating the "poor mans bread" that our ancestors ate in Egypt and the "unleavened bread" they ate when leaving Egypt. Mystical Jewish Teachings explain that Matzah on Pesach is a "Food of Faith" and a "Food of good health".
While this Mitzvah absolutely can be done by eating any Kosher for Pesach Matzah; this cherished Mitzvah is best done at the Seder by eating the Handmade Shmurah Matzahs. A Mitzvah is best done with a human heart and soul. Even the preparation.Thoughts do count. To do the Mitzvah be sure to eat at least one half of a Matzah within six minutes after Nightfall at each Seder.
Today, Shmurah Matzah is available for Purchase at most fine Kosher grocers across the GTA. A limited amount of handmade Shmurah Matzah is available through Chabad of Maple. To order your Matzah kindly email [email protected] or call 647.883.6372. This year we currently have three options :
Matzah Gift Packs - Made in Israel
Includes 3 Shmurah Matzot -
$15 per box of 3
Matzah by the Pound:
Tiferes Thin Matzah - Made in Ukraine
$30.00 per lb (A few boxes of this Matzah from last year are available for $15/lb)
1lb. Includes approximately 10 Thin matzot.
Brooklyn Tanur Rishon Matzah - Made in the USA
$45.00 per lb
1lb. Includes approximately 7- 8 Matzot.